Welcome to the future of SIM
Transformational shifts in connectivity and SIM technology are unlocking new use cases for Cellular IoT.

Digital transformation with iSIM
The integrated SIM (iSIM) technology allows you to achieve business transformation faster.
ISIM A game changer for IoT
iSIM is the next generation of SIM technology with the potential to revolutionize cellular IoT connectivity forever.

iSIM Cellular System on chip
Driving digital transformation with IoT by seamless data connectivity.
Authentic ID
Use of biometric credentials for validating the identity of an individual with fingerprint and facial recognition.
Smart Utilities
Networks for domestic meters to sensors with low cost connectivity.
Asset tracking
Tracebility of a consignment within the supply chain is an essential part of logistics..
Urban Mobility
Tamper-proff technology, compact and secure.
Significant size advantage with robust authentication of device and data.
Telematic and safety services to in-car infotainment.
Remote system provisioning
Driving digital transformation with IoT by seamless data connectivity.

Ready to get started?
We have a generous free tier available to get you started right away.